Showing posts with label resolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resolution. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Resolution: Visual Studio Test Agent Unable to Connect to the controller. There is no agent registered...

Problem: I discovered a weird quirk with the Visual Studio Test Agents (a.k.a. TFS Test Agents). We were trying to set them up to do some load testing, and were getting the error below.

 Unable to connect to the controller on 'MyController:6901'. There is no agent with the name 'MyAgent' registered on the controller.

If you click on the "View Log" link after attempting to configure the Test Agent, you will see the follwing detailed error:

 V, 2013/10/28, 17:33:25.342, Observed that agent 'MyAgent' does not exist. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Exceptions.EqtException: There is no agent with
the name 'MyAgent' registered on the controller.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Resolved: IDRAC Drive Error Either Virtual Media is detached or redirection for the selected virtual disk drive is already in use

I haven't used Dell servers much in an enterprise environment, so working with their IDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) controllers was a little new to me. So when I got the error message below when trying to mount an ISO, I was a little confused at first.

Drive Error Either Virtual Media is detached or Virtual Media redirection for the selected virtual disk drive is already in use.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Resolution: Error during encryption or decryption. System error code 997 in SharePoint

I was recently ran into an issue in SharePoint where my Central Administration web app disappeared. When I tried to redeploy Central Administration, I was confronted with the error below.

An exception of type System.ArgumentException was thrown.  Additional exception information: Error during encryption or decryption. System error code 997.

Everything I saw online said the only option was to create a new config database. Personally, I thought that seemed a bit extreme. Well, I found a better option that worked for me, and will probably work for you too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Error! Windows - No Disk: Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75a851d8 979a26dc 75a851d8 75a851d8

This is one of those errors that doesn't really give you any information to go on. All you really get is this popup message that say Windows - No Disk: Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75a851d8 979a26dc 75a851d8 75a851d8.

Error! Windows - No Disk: Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75a851d8 979a26dc 75a851d8 75a851d8