Saturday, September 14, 2013

Resolved: IDRAC Drive Error Either Virtual Media is detached or redirection for the selected virtual disk drive is already in use

I haven't used Dell servers much in an enterprise environment, so working with their IDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) controllers was a little new to me. So when I got the error message below when trying to mount an ISO, I was a little confused at first.

Drive Error Either Virtual Media is detached or Virtual Media redirection for the selected virtual disk drive is already in use.

I guess it just comes down to sloppy navigation in my mind. You have to go to a completely different screen to "attach the virtual media" before you can mount an ISO.

  1. In IDRAC, click on "System" in the far left column.
  2. Then, click on the "Console/Media" tab.
  3. Then, click on "Configuration".
  4. Then, select "Attach" in the "Status" row under "Virtual Media".
  5. And finally, apply your changes.
You should now be able to mount an ISO as you would expect to be able to.